Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

8 Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

June 30, 2022

Patients frequently choose to undergo a tummy tuck to restore confidence after having children or losing a significant amount of weight. Dr. Hernandez performs many tummy tucks each year for her patients in San Antonio. In fact, a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States.

But just as with any surgical procedure, it’s important to take care of yourself before and after surgery to help your body heal. Not only will proper rest and recovery give you an opportunity to heal and recuperate, but proper recovery is essential to maximize the results of your procedure.

Follow these eight (8) tummy tuck recovery tips to maximize results and ensure proper healing:

1. Help recovery before your tummy tuck.

If you smoke, stop smoking several weeks before your procedure. You’ll also need to avoid smoking and alcohol for six weeks after your tummy tuck to assist healing.  Also, be sure to avoid any blood thinning medications or certain vitamins and over-the-counter drugs (like aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc). Dr. Hernandez will review your medications and discuss this with you in advance.

2. Enlist the help of a friend or loved one.

You’ll be groggy and will need some assistance completing minor household tasks for two days after your tummy tuck. It’s important that you are not alone during this time.

3. Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.

Your body performs at its best when it is given the best fuel. Eat a healthy diet before and after your tummy tuck to aid recovery and help your body heal.

Hydration is also important both before and after your tummy tuck. Be sure to drink water throughout the day to keep your body running at its best.

4. Prop yourself up.

Large body pillows can help prop you up at night for sleep. This will reduce pressure and strain on your abdomen, and will prevent you from moving into an improper position for healing during the night.

5. Keep moving.

While the first 24 to 48 hours will be challenging, it’s important that you keep moving during recovery. Moving around activates your muscles and prevents blood clots from forming in your legs. As you build up endurance, you can also take walks outside for exercise.

6. Wear your abdominal binder.

Dr. Hernandez will provide you with an abdominal binder to wear around the surgical site to help with tummy tuck recovery. You will wear this for six weeks to ensure the best possible result from your tummy tuck.

7. Be sure to schedule enough R&R.

Remember, a tummy tuck is surgery. It’s important that you give yourself time to rest and heal! Most of Dr. Hernandez’s patients take off a full two weeks from work to recuperate after a tummy tuck. Don’t be in a hurry, and do not push yourself too hard. The best thing for your recovery and your overall health is to take this time to rest and heal.

8. Follow recovery instructions.

Dr. Hernandez has carefully prepared your discharge instructions after a tummy tuck. It’s important that you follow every recommendation in order to facilitate healing and prevent complications.

It can be difficult to focus on slowing down and healing after a tummy tuck — you’re eager and excited to get back to the activities that you love, and to enjoy your new body. But carefully following Dr. Hernandez’s recommendations and attending all your follow-up appointments will help you stay healthy and happy.

Transform your appearance and restore your confidence.

A tummy tuck can help restore confidence and help you live your best life. To learn more, schedule your free consultation with Dr. Hernandez by calling us at 210.405.5386 or contacting us through our website.

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