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How long does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation last?

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June 30, 2022

More and more women are asking about fat transfer breast augmentation because it is a natural alternative that produces very pleasing results without the need for synthetic implants. By transferring some of your own fat from another part of your body, Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez can help you achieve larger breasts that have a flattering smooth and rounded silhouette. The results are permanent.

Women often prefer autologous fat transfer over breast implant surgery because it is an in-office procedure that typically requires just 2-3 days downtime. Scarring is minimal, with just one needle puncture below each breast, and there is no risk of adverse response because only your own fat is used to enlarge your breasts.

Although we always note that fat transfer is ideal for women who desire only modest increase (typically 1 cup size), in fact Dr. Hernandez says she commonly uses a two-step procedure for patients who desire more volume but who do not want implants or to undergo invasive surgery. She performs the initial fat transfer procedure, then a second procedure to add more volume. These can be done as early as 3 months apart. 

You Won’t See Permanent Results Right Away

Initially, approximately 60% of the fat cells survive in their new location and approximately 40% do not. This is perfectly normal. The cells that don’t survive are metabolized and eliminated from the body naturally. Based on her experience, Dr. Hernandez will account for this by over-filling each breast. She explains to patients that, initially, their breasts will look and feel tight, high on the chest wall and look a bit exaggerated.

Most of the post-procedure swelling subsides within 2 weeks, and the cells that remain in the breasts are surviving and will stay permanently. You will see your permanent results about 1 month after the procedure. To help more of the transferred fat cells survive and remain in their new site, Dr. Hernandez can add your own plasma to the fat just before she injects it into the breasts, or she can inject the plasma up to a week after the procedure.  

Your Lifestyle Can Affect Longevity of Results

Cigarette smoking affects the circulation in our skin and tissues, causing skin to become thin and to wrinkle at an accelerated rate. Women that smoke are more prone to develop droopiness in their breasts and lose volume in their breasts because the breast glands and tissues shrink down and thin out. 

Also, the breasts tend to decrease in size with significant weight loss (25 pounds or more). This can happen even without having had a fat transfer procedure.

Your Body Changes as It Ages

Over time, the body changes but implants do not, so they can look even more unnatural as you get older and lose volume in the rest of your breast tissue. Our skin changes as we age, and the glands in the breasts shrink down in size, making breast implants very noticeable.

Fat transfer results are more resilient to changes in the body as we age. The transferred fat cells remain, and only significant changes in weight affect their size. Fat transfer breast augmentation provides fullness in the breasts that changes shape as our skin and tissues change with the aging process, so the look remains natural.  

Future Confidence and Peace of Mind

Many women worry that getting implants now could mean problems in the future, if their body responds poorly to the implants or if the implants themselves prove to be defective. Dr. Hernandez says patients often come to her asking about fat transfer to restore their breasts after having had implants removed.

Is fat transfer breast augmentation right for you? We invite you to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Hernandez to learn more. 

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