Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

Liposuction vs No-Cut Tummy Tuck: What’s the difference?

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

June 30, 2022

At Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, we love being able to offer patients so many cosmetic enhancement options. After all, every person has a different body and aesthetic goals, and Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez believes firmly in fully personalizing procedures for each patient. That starts with explaining the differences between various treatment options. For example, let’s say you want to do something about a poochy abdomen.

Would liposuction or a No-Cut Tummy Tuck be the best choice? Let’s see how they compare.

How They Work

Liposuction is a surgical fat removal procedure that’s been used for decades to help women and men get rid of fat that stubbornly refuses to respond to diet and exercise. Belly pooch is a common example, as are double chin and love handles.

No-Cut Tummy Tuck is a non-surgical procedure which actually combines three treatments (BodyTite, liposuction, and Morpheus8) to simultaneously remove excess fat and tighten loose skin caused by pregnancy, weight loss and/or aging. BodyTite and Morpheus8 use radiofrequency heat to firm the skin by stimulating collagen production and melt fat just beneath the skin surface. Morpheus8 incorporates microneedling with radiofrequency which works to tighten skin and stimulate new cell production which improves the texture of the skin.

Where They Work

We can use liposuction to remove fat almost anywhere on the body – not just the belly but the face, neck, arms, chest, back, flanks, thighs and even the pubic area. In many cases, we can treat more than one area at a time.  

The No-Cut Tummy Tuck is specifically designed to slim and re-contour the abdomen, above and/or below the belly button.

Who Is a Good Candidate

Liposuction removes fat but does not tighten skin, so the degree of skin laxity is the main factor in determining the most appropriate procedure. If you have good elasticity and your main concern is the excess fat, then you are good candidates for liposuction. If you have mild, moderate and even (in some cases) moderately-severe skin laxity as well as excess fat, then the No-Cut Tummy Tuck is a better option because this will do both — tighten the skin and eliminate the excess fat.

Both procedures are safe and effective for all genders and skin types. In either case, the best candidates are those who are relatively close to ideal weight, in good overall health, and do not smoke.

Time Commitment

Both liposuction and the No-Cut Tummy Tuck are outpatient procedures that take just a couple of hours. You will have some bruising or swelling following liposuction and should budget at least a couple of days to recover. You will have some soreness following the No-Cut Tummy Tuck but can be back to work in two days.


You will see some results immediately following liposuction, and further improvement as any swelling goes away. Because incisions are very small, scarring is minimal.

No-Cut Tummy results start to show after about 2 weeks, steadily improving over the next 3 months, and your skin will continue to grow firmer for about a year. This procedure leaves very small scars that fade with time.

Results for either procedure are impressive, natural-looking and permanent, as long as you retain a healthy weight and lifestyle. You can achieve a slimmer, more contoured appearance, and with the No-Cut Tummy Tuck you will also see firmer, smoother skin.

Talk to the Doc

Dr. Hernandez is an experienced surgeon and was the first cosmetic surgeon in San Antonio to incorporate BodyTite and Morpheus8 into her practice. She is highly skilled in tailoring these treatments to match each patient’s situation and desired results.

By scheduling a personal consultation, you can discuss your personal concerns and goals with Dr. Hernandez and get the most professional recommendation about whether liposuction or a No-Cut Tummy Tuck would be the best choice to achieve the slimmer, toned-looking abdomen you want.

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