We all want to appear fit and youthful, but as we get older, pouches of fat tend to deposit themselves in the least appropriate places. Skin starts to sag a bit.
It’s frustrating, and in many cases, it’s fixable.
Most people can reduce body fat to some extent on their own. Careful diet and exercise can drastically reduce body fat in some cases. But sometimes, excess fat in the face and neck is genetic. In those instances, exercise and weight loss are unlikely to help.
Medicine has evolved to give you more options than ever for minimally invasive skin tightening and fat reduction.
Today’s medical technology advancements have dramatically changed how we can look our best. Scarless surgery has evolved into a game changer for men and women who have struggled to remove excess fat deposits and fix areas of loose, sagging skin.
BodyTite and FaceTite are transforming lives.
Whether you’re looking to fix stubborn areas “just for you” or are looking for a dramatic transformation, BodyTite and FaceTite are revolutionizing skin tightening and fat reduction, making them more accessible than ever to patients.
In many cases, BodyTite and FaceTite are excellent minimally invasive alternatives to traditional surgery.
Even 10 years ago, tightening loose skin on the face and body and removing excess fat meant anesthesia, large scars, and massive downtime. You truly had to sacrifice to look your best. Potential complications were a scary reminder just how invasive surgery could be.
With BodyTite and FaceTite, small needle punctures are used and hidden well within the folds of the skin. Once you’ve healed, there will be no visible scarring. Keeping the incisions clean and dry for several days post procedure helps ensure your skin heals optimally.
Keep in mind, people with severe loose skin on their face and neck (or across their body) are likely better candidates for traditional neck and face lifts or skin removal surgery. FaceTite and BodyTite are best suited for people with only mild to moderate loose skin and fat.
BodyTite and FaceTite can transform your appearance across your body.
Earlier, we mentioned how you cannot “spot reduce” fat through diet and exercise. It’s a common frustration for so many who spend hours in the gym trying to get the perfect body.
With minimally invasive fat reduction and skin tightening procedures like BodyTite and FaceTite, you finally can treat those stubborn last spots. Many patients find this to be liberating, after months or even years of hard work in the gym without results!
Face and Neck
FaceTite of the lower face helps improve jowling and tighten the skin on your cheeks. FaceTite of the neck helps reduce the “double chin” that plagues so many people.
Across the Body
BodyTite can help improve the appearance of just about any spot where you are struggling with excess fat deposits. In particular, many patients request BodyTite in areas like the stomach, arms, chest, knees, thighs (inner and outer), and the hips (including “love handles” and “muffin tops”). Unlike traditional surgery, multiple areas can be treated in one session (with each area taking about 15 minutes).
Being proactive is the best way to maximize your results.
Starting to see some changes in your face or feeling frustrated with some problem spots across your body? Minimally invasive skin tightening and fat reduction through procedures like BodyTite and FaceTite work best when you proactively seek treatment. Patients in their 40s and 50s tend to see the best results, before skin becomes too loose and thin for these options.
You can safely look and feel your best through minimally invasive skin tightening and fat reduction.
Call us today at 210.446.4477 or contact us through our website to learn more.