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Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

Dr Hernandez San Antonio | Eterna Costmetic Surgery

June 30, 2022


At Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, our #1 goal is to provide the most effective, personalized treatment possible. That’s why Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez often recommends combining treatments to help patients get even better results than they might from a single type of procedure.

We are excited to offer lymphatic draining massage therapy to our patients because it does just that – boosts results of many different treatments by promoting faster healing following surgical or non-surgical procedures. Who doesn’t want to see and feel even better results, sooner?

What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

The name is not very elegant, we admit, but this massage therapy offers very attractive benefits. It is a very specific type of massage, designed to improve lymph flow throughout the body. The lymphatic system is responsible for distributing infection-fighting white blood cells and also for removing toxins. Lymph flows from outer parts of the body toward the neck, so if the flow becomes sluggish or clogged along the way, other vital systems within the body cannot function properly.

Unlike other types of massage, lymphatic massage is performed in gentle circular motions, in the direction the lymph flows. So your aesthetician might start with your toes and gradually work up your leg. This type of massage is especially relaxing because there’s no “workout” involved. Your aesthetician massages the soft tissues and the muscles beneath.

The massage is actually a two-part treatment, since we use gentle HydraFacial suction to lift and move excess fluids as well as manual manipulation. This combination allows us to fully treat all layers of soft tissues to produce maximum results.

Sessions take about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the size and number of areas being treated. You can go right back to your normal routine, but it’s important to stay hydrated as your body works to rid itself of toxins.

Who Can Benefit from Lymphatic Draining Massage?

Nearly everyone! You can choose to get this type of massage simply to give your internal systems a lift and treat your body and mind to a relaxing therapeutic session. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Lymphatic drainage massage is specifically recommended for those who are prone to lymphedema (lymph build-up), but it also benefits those who suffer from a variety of chronic conditions and symptoms, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Digestive issues
  • Fatigue or insomnia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hormonal acne
  • Migraines
  • Skin disorders

To boost post-treatment healing, Dr. Hernandez recommends patients get a professional lymphatic drainage massage weekly for 6-8 weeks. We will also teach you how to perform the massage at home in between sessions (for areas you can comfortably reach on your own).

The massage improves lymph flow and helps avoid fluid build-up that causes swelling following certain procedures. Lymphatic drainage massage therapy can be particularly beneficial following liposuction, Renuvion skin tightening, or a Suture Suspension Facelift.

Check It Out!

Lymphatic draining massage is good for your body and it feels good. Why not give it a try? You can go ahead and schedule a session, whenever it’s convenient for you.


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