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Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

Body Parts Enhanced by a Mommy Makeover

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

Accutite Cost | Eterna Costmetic Surgery

June 30, 2022


A Mommy Makeover isn’t a specific procedure, it is a combination of procedures chosen to match each woman’s body rejuvenation goals. Customization is key because pregnancy, weight gain and breastfeeding can affect each person’s body differently. Usually, patients focus on their breasts and abdomen, but your Mommy Makeover can include whatever body parts you feel could use a refreshing lift (or even an upgrade from their pre-pregnancy appearance).

Here at Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez offers a variety of minimally invasive procedures that can remedy problems with truly impressive results for many patients.

So what’s bugging you about your mom-body?

You might want to address:


Eterna Breast Lift or Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation procedures can eliminate excess, sagging skin and loss of volume to restore fuller, rounded shape, symmetry and youthful positioning. You can go bigger than before, if you want. If you do not want to enlarge your breasts, our non-surgical Eterna Breast Lift may be a good choice.


No-Cut Tummy tuck is literally central to Mommy Makeover, since pregnancy and weight-gain stretch the skin and can leave behind stubborn fat.  Repeated pregnancies exacerbate this, and even women who exercise rigorously and watch their diet following pregnancy often find their skin remains lax and their abdomen remains poochy. A No-Cut Tummy Tuck to tighten the skin and eliminate excess fat is an excellent option for many women.


Many women want a fuller, more lifted look in back as well as in front, and for them a Brazilian Butt Lift can be a valuable part of a Mommy Makeover. This procedure can restore a firm, rounded shape.


If you’ve reached an age where your arms are starting to sag, or if you have lost significant weight), a Scarless Arm Lift can restore more youthful shape and smoothness.


Inner thighs can also lose elasticity and look saggy or simply look “chubby” despite exercise. A Smooth Thigh Lift can produce smoother, slimmer contours here to help you feel even more swimsuit-ready.

Vaginal area

Increasingly, women are adding vaginal rejuvenation to their Mommy Makeover, to truly look and feel as womanly as they did when they were younger. Dr. Hernandez can perform surgical Labiaplasty, Labia Majora Augmentation, Aviva Femtite Scarless Labiaplasty, or O-Shot plus diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy for patients who want internal rejuvenation as well.

Liposuction for body contouring is also frequently included in a Mommy Makeover. Dr. Hernandez uses gentler, more precise VASERlipo to remove excess fat and re-contour multiple areas as needed, including the waist, flanks and back. This helps patients achieve natural-looking and nicely balanced body contours that are more youthfully trim and smooth. Or patients whose skin is lax, Dr. Hernandez uses Renuvion J-Plasma to tighten the skin.

Mommy Makeover Is a Well-Deserved Treat Just for You

Choosing to undergo a Mommy Makeover is a serious consideration. There are the time, cost and risks of invasive surgery, not to mention considerable downtime and post-procedure scars, however minimal and well-hidden. The results can be more than worth it, but this is something you should do for yourself, not because someone else thinks you should.

Of course, it can be much more than a “treat” because many post-pregnancy changes can bring practical as well as cosmetic concerns.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hernandez to discuss the body parts you’d like to improve and the results you’d like to see. She can examine you and together you can tailor a Mommy Makeover just for you.



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