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Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

How long does FaceTite last?

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

Dr Elizabeth Chance | Eterna Costmetic Surgery

June 30, 2022

Of course you want great results, but how long will they last? That’s one of the most important questions patients ask when they’re considering any skin rejuvenation treatment. Here at Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, one of our popular procedures is FaceTite. We tell patients that FaceTite results are virtually permanent, in that they can last 5 years or longer.

Our patients love FaceTite because it can give the face a significantly lifted appearance – tightening skin and reducing accumulated facial fat with near-surgical quality results – yet it is a minimally-invasive procedure performed right here in our clinic. No anesthesia, minimal downtime, no visible scarring. In Dr. Elizabeth’s Hernandez’s experienced hands, FaceTite is a great tool to reduce deep folds and wrinkles, tighten skin and the jawline and treat double chin.

However . . . it’s important to remember that life goes on after treatment, and that can definitely affect how long your FaceTite results will last. For example, as we go about our daily routine, we may forget to use sunscreen, continue to smoke, or otherwise mistreat our skin. And, no matter what we do day in and day out, we will all continue to age. Along with lifestyle and smoking habits, how we age depends on factors such as genetics, nutrition and the environment.

Taking action to avoid negative impacts on your newly-rejuvenated face

Wearing sunscreen is a must, regardless of your age or gender, especially here in San Antonio where the sun is bright and the air is dry. You can also avoid negative impacts on your FaceTite results by eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise. But you can be proactive as well as preventive.

We recommend getting regular facials and periodic maintenance treatments such as Morpheus8 and microneedling. 

  • Facials such as HydraFacial gently exfoliate dead skin cells, remove surface debris and clear pores, exposing fresh new skin that looks younger, smoother, healthier and more vibrant. (Facials feel good, too, so they are a nice treat to refresh your spirit as well as your face.)
  • Microneedling increases blood flow and stimulates your body’s own natural production of collagen and elastin, building blocks of fresh new facial skin. Microneedling can also help eliminate or reduce the appearance of skin imperfections such as redness or brown spots, even milder acne scarring.
  • Morpheus8 combines microneedling with gentle radiofrequency heat delivered sub-surface to further stimulate growth of new, healthy skin cells, producing fresher, smoother, firmer looking facial skin.  

Non-invasive and minimally-invasive treatments like these can go a long way toward prolonging FaceTite results, and they increase overall facial skin health at the same time. They can be also repeated as desired over time.

FaceTite, too, can be repeated

Just as you can get refresher treatments with other types of skin rejuvenation procedures, you can opt to get another FaceTite treatment after 5 years. This will once again stimulate natural collagen production and firm the skin to help avoid laxity that can make you look older. There is no such a thing as too many FaceTite treatments over your lifetime. In fact, repeat FaceTite treatments every 5 years or so can reduce the potential need for more extensive procedures such as a surgical facelift or necklift  in the future.

Now that you know how long FaceTite results can last, you probably want to know what FaceTite can do for you. It’s easy to find out – just schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Hernandez today.

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