Developed by Tulumi
Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

Sick of Cellulite? Hyperdilute Radiesse Can Help

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

No-cut Tummy Tuck| Eterna Costmetic Surgery

June 30, 2022


Cellulite. Ugh! Your cellulite might look different from someone else’s, or it might be in a different place on your body. But one thing we all have in common – we all hate it! That’s why we love Hyperdilute Radiesse here at Eterna Cosmetic Surgery. It is one of the treatment options we offer to help you get rid of that unattractive cellulite.

What is Hyperdilute Radiesse?

It’s a variation of the Radiesse injectable gel we use to add volume beneath the skin’s surface to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, etc. As is, Radiesse is fairly thick, but when Dr. Hernandez dilutes it to a thinner consistency, it works beautifully to treat cellulite. She can control how much she dilutes the Radiesse to achieve the desired effect.

Hyperdilute Radiesse can restore smoother, firmer skin, and because it is an injectable, treatment sessions are very short. Results, on the other hand, last 18 months or even longer because months after the product itself has been metabolized there is more collagen in the treated areas minimizing the look to cellulite.

What’s Your Type?

Dimpled, lumpy, crepey, puckered, wavy – there are lots of ways to describe the effect cellulite has on the surface of your skin. In fact, it’s not uncommon to have more than one type of cellulite, even in a given area. And while all types of cellulite more commonly occur on the buttocks and thighs, some women develop cellulite on their breasts, and abdomen, too.

Cellulite varies in severity, which is one reason its appearance can differ.

  • Mild cellulite is visible typically only when pinching an area to skin together or when tightening or clenching the buttock muscles. Dr. Hernandez says most people don’t seek treatment for this type of cellulite.
  • Moderately severe cellulite appears as subtle wavy-type dimples. This type of cellulite is best treated with Hyperdilute Radiesse. The product is diluted with local anesthetic and injected into the layers of the skin that produce collagen. Radiesse is a biostimulant and stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, improves the texture of the skin, and firms the skin at the injection site. It diminishes the look of moderately severe cellulite.
  • Severe cellulite dimples are best treated with subcision, Cellfina, Renuva or a combination of Renuva with subcision.

What causes different types of cellulite?

Dr. Hernandez explains: “Little is known about what causes cellulite. It involves fibrous connective tissue bands that tether the skin to the underlying muscle, with the fat lying in between. As fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, while the tough fibrous bands pull down. This creates an uneven surface or dimpling of varying severity.”

Cellulite is more prevalent in women. Hormonal factors play a role in development of cellulite and genetics determine skin structure, skin texture and body type. Excess weight and poor muscle tone can also contribute to the development of cellulite. However, even very fit people can have it.

Get a Professional Diagnosis

Now is the perfect time to do something about your cellulite. Winter may be the season to cover up but warm weather will return, and we know you will want to look your confident best in tanks, shorts, and swimwear.

So schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Hernandez now. Get her professional diagnosis of your cellulite type and learn if Hyperdilute Radiesse or one of our other treatments will work best for you.


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