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Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

The difference between non-surgical and surgical Labiaplasty

Conveniently located to serve San Antonio, Eagle Pass and the surrounding area.

Facetite Before And After | Eterna Cosmetic Surgery

June 30, 2022

At Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, we offer both surgical and non-surgical labiaplasty procedures that help women improve the comfort, function and appearance of their external genitalia. We offer choices because that gives Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez more tools to devise an entirely individualized treatment plan for each patient while considering the patient’s own preferences as well as goals.

But if you’re considering labiaplasty, how do you know which procedure would be best for you? You’ll make that determination in consultation with Dr. Hernandez, of course. But it pays to understand what each of these procedures involves and how they differ, so you can think about how you might benefit personally. After all, your goal as well as ours is to achieve the best possible results.

So let’s look at some of the key differences between non-surgical and surgical Labiaplasty.

Indications (who is the best candidate)

Dr. Hernandez recommends surgical labiaplasty for women who have very large/elongated labia minora, who have excessive, saggy or wrinkly skin resulting from dramatic weight loss, and those who don’t like the darker-pigmented skin edges that can develop on the labia minora. She usually recommends non-surgical labiaplasty for patients whose symptoms are less severe – this is true in the majority of cases.

Surgical setting

Both procedures are performed in our Eterna clinic (no hospital or surgical center required), under local anesthesia. They are both short, outpatient procedures, so you can go home the same day.


During surgical labiaplasty, Dr. Hernandez makes incisions to trim away excess tissue from the labia minora. There will be scars, but they will be small and located in an area of the body not generally visible. Non-surgical labiaplasty also requires incisions, but they are very tiny (more like a needle puncture). They do not require stitches and there is no scarring.


Any invasive surgery comes with risk of post-procedure infection, bleeding and swelling, but overall risks posed by both types of labiaplasty are minor.


Dr. Hernandez uses local anesthetic to ensure patient comfort for both procedures. Because surgical labiaplasty is more invasive, she also pre-numbs the skin before injecting the anesthetic and combines the anesthetic with pain medication. Surgery patients will have some pain as they begin to recover, which can be managed with medication. With Aviva FemTite, post-procedure discomfort is minimal.


Surgical labiaplasty can remove as much as 60-70% of excess skin and tissue, whereas the non-surgical alternative can reduce excess up to 40-50%. Both procedures produce visually appealing, permanent results that are more compact and youthful looking.

Downtime for recovery

Surgical labiaplasty typically requires about a week of downtime, and patients must refrain from sex for 4-6 weeks. Patients who undergo the non-surgical procedure are usually back to normal daily activities in a few days and can resume sexual activity after a week.

Sometimes a combination procedure is best

At Eterna Cosmetic Surgery we see women of all ages who are interested in learning more about labiaplasty. Every one of them is different, with varying degrees of redundancy in their labia minora and/or labia majora and very personal expectations about results. In truth, there is no such thing as “typical” vulva.

Often, as she consults with patients, Dr. Hernandez will recommend a combination procedure tailored that includes both surgical and non-surgical labiaplasty. In some cases, women also elect to receive O-Shot treatment to boost their sexual enjoyment.

So what’s right for you? The easiest way to find out is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hernandez.

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